
Job Interview

Have you ever thought about your own in the future? Me, yes I have. I am sophomore right now, so I might not need to seek for job after graduate now, but I really think about it already, and also I thought it seriously in a class which is speaking class. So I will tell you about my own in the future. Let you know about that, please.

There are 11 questions, then I will answer each questions.


1. Why should our company hire you?
I would be good for the company because I think that I can bring new ideas to the company. Also, when I am given a job, I take it very seriously and do my best until the very end. I can endure lots of stress, as well, and work well under pressure. I have confidence in my ability to do the things that the company asks me to do.

2. What are your strong points?
I believe that my strong points are being cheerful, friendly, and efficient. I can talk to anybody comfortably, even if I met them only once, and it doesn’t even matter how old they are. I am always smiling when I am around people and my good mood is contagious, so I can make the air friendly.

3. Describe your ideal company, place of work, and job.
I think my ideal company would be one where the employees would work quickly and efficiently, otherwise our final result may not be good. Also, I feel that we need to bond between co-workers, no matter the job title. It would be very good for our company and the worker relations if every one is comfortable with each other.

4. Are you willing to work nights or weekends? Why or why not?
Of course I am willing to work nights and/or weekends. I think that’s what work is. I’d like to work here and am available, and willing, to work whenever I am needed and scheduled to work.

5. How do you feel about working for a younger person?
I feel there is nothing that I can do to change it, so it is not a problem. If they are good at their job, then age makes no difference to me. I would be proud of my boss if they were younger than me and I work hard for them.

6. What good books have you read lately?
I have recently read Cup of Soup ,and 夢を叶えるゾウ. These books, when I read them, gave my courage. In Cup of Soup, there was a girl who was very ill; there was also a boy who was also sick. The book says that the girl needed blood because she was dying. The boy could give her blood, but he was also sick, but not as sick as the girl and he was able to give her his blood. The doctor asked the boy if he would give his blood and the boy was worried but said he could do it. The doctor was surprised and told him that he did not have to give his blood. Someone else gave her blood. My heart was warmed by this story. The boy, even though he was sick, he thought about someone else and how he could help her. Even though he did not give her blood, he wanted to, and that was really touching. In 夢を叶えるゾウ, there was a salary man that suddenly had a god appear in front of him that looked like an elephant. The elephant taught the man lots of things about culture, traditions, and people’s hearts. The story said that if you want to be happy, you should be kind to everybody and do not be lazy. Before the salary man met the god, he was lazy and not a good person. After meeting the god, the salary man changed into a better person. After reading this, I wanted to keep being a good person, too.

7. Tell me about a situation when someone criticized you.
I had been doing something wrong for the longest time, but I had not known that it was the wrong way. I had a different way of filing things that I had learned from my old employer and it was the way that I was used to things. My co-worker caught my mistake in time and was nice enough to not criticize me in a mean way. Instead, he told me what I was doing wrong and showed me how I could fix my mistakes and spent time with me to make sure that I was doing it correctly. Sometimes, when I am faced with criticism, I sometimes feel like I am being attacked, but in this situation, once I learned that I had been doing it the wrong way, I was able to realize that I wasn’t being attacked, but being helped.

8. Can you work under pressure?
Yes, I can. Sometimes, I feel like I will not be able to produce a good result when I am under pressure, but I do have a lot of confidence that I can do a good job, even if I am under pressure, and I believe that I can get it done. Having pressure is sometimes good for me, too, since it makes me focus on the task I must do.

9. What do you worry about?

I worry about failing my job, because I want to be perfect at my job. So, I am worried that if I fail at my job, the boss will feel like I have betrayed him. However, I do not worry too much about it because I know that if I do my best then I will not fail.

10. What are your goals?
Now, I have a goal to study abroad, but not as an exchange student. I want to go abroad by myself and then, when I come back, I want to show everyone that my experience was good and very helpful. I think that I can lend strength to other people who want to do the same thing. However, one of my mottos is ‘never give up’, so when one of my dreams is done, I will make another goal for myself. In the future, I want to do something by myself, not with my family; I want to be strong and able to take care of myself, so that when someone sees me, they will want to be like me. This is kind of a goal for me, to be someone’s role model.

11. Have you ever thought about starting own business?
Yes, I have thought about starting my own business, but first I want to work with a company, not a small one, but a big company. A big company has, in my opinion, very good workers, and I will get lots of help from working in a big company with lots of co-workers because they will show me the business world. I want to have that experience before starting my own business. Working with a company first, will give me basic business skills and understanding, because without those skills I will not be able to start my own business. If I do not have the basic skills, my business, and me, will not be recognized and might tell me that I can not do that. If I had those skills, I think that people would join me in my business if I had those skills.


After answered, I have become thinking about that more then before. So, if you are interested in it, please think about that seriously, you will find something for sure. And, I’m going to think about it more seriously.


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