

I am 20 years old now, so finally my birthday came on the 12Th of August, so... TODAY!!! yay! However I can't believe that my age yet... I don't want to be adult, but actually time goes so fast so there is nothing I can do. What did I do that day? Oh, you want to know that?! Ok, I tell you about detail of that day. Haha Well I worked at pool as usual for 12 hours!! X'D I thought that usually when someones birthday we have a big party or something that kind of get drunk for the birthday boy/girl. BUT! I was at the pool. Haha :( It seems sad.. lol Mmm, actually It was fun and a little bit sad because my birthday, right? so spacial day for me! Then I was a bit tired because of the work when I got back at home. BUUUUUT! what someone waited for me who is lovely cake!!!! XXX that my friend sent me. I was soooo surprised why I didn't expected like that what is more that her made it! I'm still happy ;)
I feel still seventeen though, whats problem?!!! huh? :') My target that want to be not only a pretty but also sexy woman! WILL DO!

Thank you very much, my lovely friends!!


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